Wednesday, July 27, 2011

I heart to do lists!

Sometimes, you gotta adapt... y'a know? The list I made for things to do this summer has taken on a life of it's own and will never get accomplished. I keep adding on projects and contests and stuff and I felt very overloaded last week. Because school is so stressful, I really can't afford (emotionally really) to have such a stressful summer. So, with that in mind, I have created a new list of 10 things that I would really like to get done before I start classes on August 22. I have had a wonderful summer of meeting new people, reconnecting with old friends, pictures, food, and birthdays... but I don't think it is wise to spend my last days stressing and being ill-prepared for the fall semester. I have taken into consideration various projects I have going and slimmed down the list to what is reasonable.

1. Reading List- finish Love Wins by Rob Bell and The Discipline of Spiritual Discernment by Tim Challies. If time permits, write a book review for the blog.

2. Operation Simplify- There should be no reason that I can't accomplish all the items. Honestly, this is a necessity for living like a normal human being.

3. Finish the 30 for 30 photo challenge

4. Blogging- get the blog fully operational, organized, with the graphics, etc. that I want

5. School Prep- complete any assignments that can be accomplished before class actually begins

6. 101 in 1001 days- accomplish at least 3 items of the list UPDATE: 2 things done... I guest posted and participated in a book swap. 

7. Clean off computer hard drive, email, and organize pictures

8. Finish scanning pictures for the photo collage that I promised my dad I would finish forever ago

9. Finish painting the mural that I started for my Dad for Father's Day

10. Finally, get my eyebrow ring changed!

image from here via Pinterest

What things are must-do's on your summer list???

1 comment:

  1. Officially change my graduation date... again. If can do that, I'll feel very accomplished.

    Best of luck tackling your to-do list.



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